Terminology - Classify Medication

POST /terminology/v1/classify/medication

Classifies a medication. The input must be from one of the following code systems:

  • RxNorm
  • NDC
  • CVX

See the Classify API Overview for general principles that apply to all Classify API operations.

Body Parameters

code string (required)

Code value.

system string (required)

The source code system (as a name or URL).

display string

Display string.

Response Fields

medRtTherapeuticClass string[]

Therapeutic Class based on the MED-RT system.

rxNormIngredient string[]

Ingredient(s) provided by RxNorm. Contains multiple ingredients (MIN) if present, otherwise single ingredient (IN).

rxNormStrength string

Strength provided by RxNorm (RXN_AVAILABLE_STRENGTH or RXN_STRENGTH attributes). Typically blank if medication has multiple ingredients.

rxNormGeneric boolean

Based on RxNorm attribute. If no branded name (BN) is present, returns true.

covid19Rx string (categorical)

One of: vaccination, immunoglobulin, medication. Based on proprietary value sets developed from WHO, CDC, SNOMED, RxNorm, and AMA coding advisories.

immunization boolean

Indicates whether this is an immunization.


Try It
Try out the operations, with examples, in the Developer Portal Sandbox.
Sample Classify Input
    "code": "861004",
    "system": "RxNorm"
Sample Classify Response
    "medRtTherapeuticClass": [
        "Blood Glucose Regulators"
    "rxNormIngredient": [
    "rxNormStrength": "1000MG",
    "rxNormGeneric": true,
    "immunization": false,
    "covid19Rx": null

For additional examples, or to try out the API live, see the Developer Portal Sandbox