Convert - CDA to HTML
POST /convert/v1/cdatohtml
This operation converts a CDA document into human-readable HTML.
The input is a single CDA document for a single patient. Supported CDA formats/versions are:
- C-CDA R1.1/R2.1
The output is a formatted HTML file suitable for human review.
Custom Logo
To specify a custom logo in the HTML header, set the content type to multipart/form-data
and pass the following form fields:
File containing the XML data for the CDA.
File containing the custom logo image.
Error Handling
If the input data is invalid (such as improperly-formatted XML), the HTML file will not be created and a “bad request” response returned.
However, in many cases the Convert service can continue processing even when there are issues with the input data, such as missing fields or unexpected data types. In such cases, invalid data will simply be omitted from the resulting HTML.
The input is XML and the output is HTML, so be sure to specify the following request headers:
content-type: application/xml
or content-type: multipart/form-data
accept: application/html
CDA documents and the formatted HTML files are verbose, so this just shows a small sample to illustrate how the data is structured. For a more complete example, try out the API in the Developer Portal Sandbox.
For example, a patient
node in the CDA XML:
Sample Input
<patient classCode="PSN" determinerCode="INSTANCE">
would result in HTML similar to: